Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

4.5 Discussion

4.5 Discussion

Q 1. What is a topic or concept presented in the power point that you don't get. in answering, don 't just say what you don't know, but what you understand about the concept as you have read it, and what doesn't make sense to you

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I have reread the concepts of Hinduism and tried to grasp the primary things. What I have understood after reading that Sanatana dharma means the actual path to achieve the truth of the life. Now, the analysis of this dharma states that one may suffer in the world because of their utmost ignorance of the world. The concept of Hinduism goes on saying that Karma finally sends people back in the world because they must do some misdeeds out of their ignorance. I have understood that engaging in wrongdoings makes people suffer. But in the next line where Karma is stated, the statement like that it forces people to return to this world.